Welcome to The Singularity
What is… Quantum Machine Learning?
Quantum machine learning combines the power of quantum computing with Machine Learning and AI to build quantum enhanced AI that can perform tasks previously thought to be impossible.
Check out the first course!
Linear Algebra for Quantum Computing This course is a series of 10 lectures that cover all of the mathematics and programming you will need to dive into quantum computing. If you don’t have a strong background in mathematics and programming, this is for you! If you do, then you are ahead of the game. There will still be some useful material in these lectures as basic concepts like state vectors, quantum gates, quantum circuits, and using some of the quantum programming languages are introduced. Exercises are given with every lecture and everything is implemented in Python. The lectures can be opened in Binder links so that everything can be done in an interactive notebook online, without having to download anything!
Check out Some of the Tutorials!
- Linear Algebra for Quantum Computing
- Quantum Circuit Diagrams
- Measurement
- Entanglement
- Error Correction
- Surface Codes
- Quantum Cryptography with Graph States
- Quantum Fourier Transform
- Density Operators
- Entropy
- FinTech and Time Series Tutorials
- Single Qubit Universal Binary Classifier Tutorials
- Google TensorNetwork Library Tutorials
Surface Codes for Quantum Error Correction
Surface Codes are one way of performing error correction for quantum computers. They are also used for modeling lattice gauge theories, topological order, quantum phase transitions, Yang-Mills Theory, and various mathematical problems such as the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis.
Graph States
Graph states are usef for Measurement Based Quantum Computing, Quantum Cryptography, Stabilizer Codes, Studying Entanglement and Entropy, and modeling Ising interactions, among other things.
Check out the website for more tools on hacking the universe!
YouTube Channel
Visit the YouTube channel for tutorials, updates, software and tech discussions, commentary on the current state-of-the-art in quantum machine learning, and more!
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